Top 7 AI detector tools to check if they can detect AI writing accurately

As a kid, I used to watch all the movies where robots took over the world and humans were pushed to the corner. Many of us enjoyed watching the Terminator series, Universal Soldier and Blade Runner, undermining the fact that we are slowly moving towards that reality.

AI writing accurately

image source:

I was never afraid of writing assistants like Grammarly until I witnessed ChatGPT generating long pieces of content with only a topic that had spelling mistakes and was not even written properly.

A shiver went through my body when I realized that I might get replaced by some robot. Many people started writing using AI like frogs coming out in the monsoon, and were landing good ranks in search engines.

To my relief, Google introduced new algorithms like Panda, Penguin and MUM to detect and derank AI-generated content.

“Google is implementing new efforts to reduce low-quality AI content created specifically for search engine rankings.”- Google

So, people are now checking content on AI detectors to make sure no AI-generated content is uploaded. I am testing some AI detector tools to check their competency.

How do AI Detectors work?

AI detector tools use machine learning and natural language processing to detect some linguistic patterns and sentence structures that are common in AI-generated content.

Additional Info: 10 Best Tools to Check Quality of Blog 2023

Each AI detector tool is trained on different datasets, so they can often produce different results. Their accuracy can also vary depending on the quality and the quantity of the datasets used to train them.

So, I am gonna test them one by one to find out their accuracy.

How am I doing it?

I have written a fresh piece of content all by myself to pass it through some AI detectors today. I have also used to generate a paragraph to check it against my paragraph. Both paragraphs are around 200 words and embrace the same topic.

These paragraphs are kept small intentionally as smaller paragraphs will be difficult to detect. I will pass these paragraphs one by one to each AI detector in my list and check the results.

1. AI Content Detector

AI Content Detector

Quillbot is a popular provider of writing tools. It started as a paraphrasing tool, but over time, it has added more features to the website. Now, it offers many more content-related tools like an AI detector, plagiarism checker, summarizer and citation generator, among others.

The first impression of the tool was very good because its UI is very simple. It became even better when I realized that I didn’t have to sign up to use it. I just had to put my text in the input box and click “Analyze text”. However, one can sign up for a free account to access additional features. There are other paid features, but the AI detector is completely free for everyone.

I tested it with AI-generated text first, and the results indicated “100%” generated by AI. That’s impressive accuracy.

AI-generated text

After that, I tried the text written by my own hands, and man, I am impressed! It says the text is 100% human-written.

text is 100% human-written


  • User-friendly Interface: The interface is so simple that anyone can understand how it works just by visiting the site.
  • Value for money: While the AI detecting feature of Quillbot is completely free, there is a nominal charge to access all the tools.
  • Multiple language support: Upon visiting the website, you are greeted with a notification that the tool now supports languages beyond English, such as Spanish, French and German.
  • Large Inputs: It can handle large inputs of up to 1200 words at a time and can also work on documents. Use the upload feature or drop your file directly into the input box and voila!
  • Extensions: Quillbot offers multiple extensions for real-time use. The website indicates that it is available for integration with macOS, Word, and Chrome.


  • Free (but charges $4.17 / month for all the tools).

Additional Info: Comparing Summarizer vs chatgpt

2. AI Detector

AI Detector

Upon visiting this AI detector, the first thing I noticed was its colorful appearance and simple design. The UI was pleasing to the eye. There is no sign up option, which is also very convenient.

It claims to be 95% accurate and can work on 1000 words at a time. However, the input box clearly states a limit of 500 words at a time, which proves the later claim to be wrong. Now, it was time to check the former claim.

I put in my own paragraph first, and to my surprise, the results were accurate. It said 0% AI detected. Not only that, it generated a comprehensive report on my provided text, including metrics such as diversity, perplexity, entropy, etc.

0% AI detected

Next, I tested it with the same AI generated text that I used on Quillbot. The results were spot on again. It said 100% probability. It does not highlight the lines that are detected.


  • No Registration: This does not even require an email account. Just visit the website and use it. I have a concern about the history of my checked paragraphs, but I can manage without it.
  • Generate Reports: This feature is unique to this tool. It generates a comprehensive report rather than just presenting a probability score. Receiving a full report is more satisfying.
  • Humanizer: It offers a humanizer tool that can rephrase your text to lower the AI detection probability.


Free to use

3. ChatGPT AI Checker

ChatGPT AI Checker

This is the first tool in this testing session that has required me to sign up. One cannot use it without providing personal details which I usually avoid for testing purposes. However, since it was mandatory, I compiled.

I tested the AI-generated text first,

AI-generated text

and I regretted it because the result was a paragraph of over 250 words. It was a detailed report of my given text, so I had to read through it. I was expecting a simple percentage or score. But it was text and only text.

text being generated by AI

According to the report, there were high chances of the text being generated by AI, such as ChatGPT. There are no numbers provided.

Now for my hand written paragraph:

hand written paragraph

I wasn’t pleased with the outcome.


This tool indicated that my own writing was generated by an AI. Either this tool is broken, or I am an AI. It argued that there were some repetitions and the tone is specific to AI.


  • Detailed Analysis: It breaks down the text and creates a comprehensive report on each sentence. Instead of giving simple numbers, it provides detailed explanations for why the text falls into a specific category.
  • Large Inputs: It seems to welcome large inputs, as there is no specified word limit.
  • History Storage: It saves all your inputs along with generated responses in files, allowing you to check them anytime. This feature is unique to this tool so far.
  • APIs: It offers APIs, enabling you to create your own AI detector with an interface you prefer.


  • Free

4. AI Content Checker

AI Content Checker

This AI Content Checker was another tool that caught my eye, and I tested it with the same samples. Like some of the previous tools I tested, it does not require a sign-up or registration, which is a big plus for me. There is no specified word count, and it claims to be 87% accurate. Let’s see if it lived up to its claim.

I tested with the AI-generated content first, and the results were accurate. It detected the AI content and displayed a 100% probability. That is the only information provided in the results.

AI-generated content first

When I tested it with my own writing, it resulted in a 48% probability of being written by AI.

written by AI


  • Completely Free: It is free for all and does not even require an ID to use.
  • Widget: It offers a widget for use on your own website, allowing your users to instantly detect AI in sentences.
  • Mobile App: They also have an AI detector app which you can install and use on your mobile phone for chats.


  • Free

Additional Info: 12+ Rewriting Tools for Crafting Better Website Content

5. AI Content Detector

AI Content Detector

The initial impression was promising; the interface suggests it’s among the most advanced tools on the market. Offers extension for chrome, accepts various file types for input and provides numerous options.

The tool requires signing up for a plan before use, which was unexpected. This sign-up requirement doesn’t affect its accuracy in detecting AI, but I had hoped to test it without registering.

After signing up, I used AI text first and the results were accurate. It indicated 100% AI-generation in the paragraph. It has successfully highlighted the AI-generated part.

AI-generated part

Then, I inputted my own writing, and the tool accurately identified it as 100% human-written. I’m pleased with this outcome.



  • Team Collaboration: It supports team collaboration with a dedicated package available for teams to purchase and use together.
  • API integration: Offers an API for creating customized AI detectors to operate according to specific needs.
  • Business and Organizational Packages: Tailored packages are available for businesses and organizations, enabling them to deploy the tool across their entire operation.


  • $5.99 for 20 pages.

6. AI Detector tool

AI Detector tool

Testing with an AI-written paragraph this time gave disappointing results. It claimed the paragraph was 99% human and only 1% AI. If people are gonna use this detector, we will be replaced sooner.


Despite my disappointment, I proceeded with the test. I inputted my own paragraph into the tool and found improved results: 95% human and 5% AI. However, the accuracy in detecting AI content is low.

detecting AI content


  • Multiple languages: It supports detection in several languages beyond English.
  • Multiple tools: It provides many other tools besides AI detection which are plagiarism checker, article rewriter, text summarizer, etc.
  • Free with history: Unlike many other free detection tools, it optionally offers login to retain your detection history.


  • Free

Additional Info: 7 Crucial Content Marketing Tools — Every Marketer Needs

7. Spinbot Content Detector

Spinbot Content Detector

Once again, a very simple free AI detector tool. I started with my own paragraph first, and it came up with 4% AI content, which is good, but I have not used a single word from AI for this paragraph.

AI detector tool

After that, I used the AI-generated paragraph and the results were shocking. It reported 0% AI content detected. I am unsure if this tool is broken or still in the production phase because it does not seem to work.

AI-generated paragraph

Wrapping Up

After 29 years of Bill Gates’ declaration that “Content is King” in his essay on the Microsoft website, content still reigns supreme. The public continues to consume and appreciate good content.

Search engines like Google prioritize content that is useful to users. Useful content will be ranked irrespective of it being produced by AI or humans.

Google’s attitude towards AI content has shifted over the past year, claiming their focus is now on “the quality of the content, rather than how the content is produced.”– Google Search Central.

AI should be viewed as an aid to humans for more efficient content creation, not a replacement. Using AI will make content creation faster and easier, addressing the current demand.

Whatever you do, just make quality content.