How to Choose Right PrestaShop Theme for Your Website?

Allow me to paint a word picture: Imagine you’re gearing up to create your dream online store, and you’re thinking, “I just need a theme that looks great.” Simple, right? Well, not quite.

The process of selecting the right PrestaShop theme and getting into the whole shenanigans of PrestaShop Theme development is akin to peeling back the layers of an onion – its way more complex than it seems at first glance.

Let’s embark on this journey, and by the end, you’ll be a theme-choosing expert.

How To Get Best PrestaShop Themes?

Choosing the right PrestaShop theme is a bit like hiring a contractor to renovate your house.

You wouldn’t hand over a bag of money to a stranger on the street, would you? So, before you choose a theme, it’s essential to get to know the company or individual behind it.

Here’s what you should do:

Check the company’s credentials

Look into when they were founded, where they’re located, and if they’ve earned any accolades in their field.

Testimonials and Reviews

Visit the company’s website and dig into the testimonials section. What are past clients saying? Additionally, do some online sleuthing – read reviews and user opinions to gather more insights.

Fine Print Matters

Don’t forget to read through their terms of service, privacy policy, and other related documents. These are often telltale signs of professionalism and trustworthiness.

A Beacon of Light in Troubled Waters | Support

Think about it – if something goes awry with your website, who are you going to call? That’s right, the company that created your theme. So, it’s absolutely crucial to ascertain if they offer support. Not all support is created equal, though. You need to consider the following:

Type of Support

Does the company offer support, and what kind? Is it 24/7, free, or time-limited? How can you reach them – through chat, email, or phone?

Have you ever considered this? Well, you should. Support is your lifeline in case you find yourself stranded on a deserted island with a broken website.

The Manual to Your Theme | Documentation

Aside from support, it’s highly recommended that you check whether the theme package includes documentation. Think of it like this: would you buy a washing machine without a manual? Probably not. The same principle applies here.

Transparent Answers

Documentation is an indicator of the developer’s reliability. Ask for access to the documentation before purchasing the theme, so you can understand how to work with it ahead of time.

Keeping Pace | Updates

PrestaShop is like a living organism, continually evolving and improving. If you plan to use your theme for an extended period, you must inquire whether it includes updates for future versions, and whether these updates are free or paid.

Code of Conduct | Valid Coding

Ah, valid HTML and CSS – it’s like the foundation of your online abode. No need to be a coding wizard; you can quickly check whether the theme is properly coded using online validators. Just like you wouldn’t buy a car without knowing it’s roadworthy, you shouldn’t purchase a theme without validating its code.

A Mobile World | Responsiveness

Imagine this: you’re not lugging around a PC or laptop 24/7. Why would you when you have a smartphone? The same goes for your website. If it’s not optimized for mobile devices, users will simply bypass it. So, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as it can be done with online validators.

The SEO Test | SEO Friendliness

A theme’s initial SEO friendliness can determine your website’s fate in search engine rankings. Using online tools, you can identify mistakes and receive suggestions for improvement. Don’t overlook this step.

A Universal View | Cross-Browser Compatibility

Consider your website as a globetrotter, and it should look fabulous no matter where it lands. Your website must work seamlessly across all major browsers – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, IE, and Opera. To check browser compatibility, tools like Browsershots can come in handy.

Making It Yours | Customization

Would you buy a house without the ability to redecorate or redesign it? The same principle applies here. You must assess what you’re allowed and not allowed to change. Having a theme that allows you to tweak every detail is fantastic. But let’s not forget – how will you make these edits? Is it a labyrinth of hard code, or have developers added user-friendly tools to help you make simple adjustments?

Documentation will provide you with answers, so when you’re reviewing it, pay close attention.

Extra Features | Template Features

PrestaShop provides a robust foundation, but developers can add unique features. Think about what extras come with the template. Perhaps there’s a special section for product videos, additional payment or shipping gateways, or modules for customization. Make sure these are documented and covered.

Staying in Vogue | Design Trends

Web design, like fashion, evolves rapidly. It’s not so long ago that rounded shapes and textured backgrounds were all the rage. Today, sharp corners, and clean and flat designs dominate the landscape. So, before you commit to a theme, stay informed about modern web design trends. They may differ from your personal taste, but they reflect what most users prefer today.

Clean colors, flat design, full-screen images, parallax effects, lazy loading, readable typography, and minimalism define modern web design trends. Your goal is to create a website that resonates with contemporary sensibilities.


Congratulations, you’ve reached the finish line. This journey was packed with valuable insights, but it’s crucial to choose a theme that checks all these boxes. Keep in mind that selecting the right PrestaShop theme is instrumental in creating an enticing, user-friendly online store. It’s the face of your brand, so choose wisely.