Maximizing Reach: Tips For Social Media And Video Marketing

It really can go without saying that any brand must have a presence on social media and a video marketing strategy – if they don’t it’s like a brand doesn’t exist. Let’s look at some numbers – over 4.89 billion people worldwide are active on social media. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube drive unparalleled massive user engagement.

Social Media And Video Marketing

Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

There’s a study by Wyzowl, in which they found that 91% of marketers report video marketing is a part of their strategy they can’t do without. On top of that, 96% of consumers watch explainer videos to learn more about products or services – basically, if you don’t have an explainer video your customer is likely not to choose you over your competition.

Okay, we’ve driven the point home on video marketing and social media. What now? How do you use them to your advantage?

Read below to find out.

How To Get Good At Social Media And Video Marketing

Doing well for your brand on social media and with video marketing  takes a lot more effort than just posting regularly – the days when regular posting was going to do the trick are long done.

There are literally billions of people consuming content, almost endlessly,  across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Your brand’s success hinges on effectively engaging and retaining your audience – basically you’re battling for attention.

If you’re just starting out and quite get your bearings or are on the lookout for how to refine your current approach, our five tips are sure to help you out.

Finding The Right Youtube Growth Agency

What else can we start with when discussing video marketing and social media other than YouTube. YouTube is a giant in video marketing, with over 2.7 billion monthly active users – that’s 2.7 billion sets of eyes potentially on your content..

Organic growth of a YouTube channel is everyone’s dream –  but that’s easier said than done. Growing a YouTube channel organically is a tall order, especially with the platform’s constantly changing algorithms.

Hiring a YouTube Growth Agency can help you overcome these hurdles and grow your channel more efficiently.

A quality YouTube Growth Agency focuses on improving your video SEO, optimizing thumbnails, and creating engaging content that attracts views and subscribers. Agencies like Vireo Video, Think Media, or Channel Fuel specialize in YouTube strategy, helping clients increase visibility, improve watch time, and drive engagement. These agencies often conduct keyword research to ensure your videos rank in search results and employ data-driven approaches to target your audience effectively.

When selecting an agency, ensure they have a strong track record and are transparent about their growth strategies to avoid companies that rely on inauthentic methods like buying fake views or subscribers.

Leveraging Social Media Trends

How do you stay relevant and boost engagement for your brand? You hop on the social media trend band wagon. The answer might not be original but it will get your engagement. Trends on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts move very rapidly, so being able to capitalize on them quickly is your ticket for success.

A good starting point would be regularly monitoring trending hashtags, challenges, and viral content in your niche – there’s really no point in forcing participation in a niche that’s just going to make your brand look silly. If you don’t want to do this on your own, consult tools like TrendTok and BuzzSumo. They can help you keep an eye on emerging trends and popular content topics.

Having wrestled with the trends you want to participate in, you will then need to align your content with these trends while keeping your brand’s voice intact. Don’t just follow trends blindly— you run the risk of being cringe. For instance, if a TikTok dance is trending, think about how it relates to your product or service – if a dance trend doesn’t fit your brand’s voice just don’t do it.

The main thing here is that you’re agile and relevant and that your content makes sense. Remember, if it doesn’t work for your brand don’t force it.

Utilizing Video Analytics To Refine Your Strategy

It’s time for numbers again – because how else can you know what’s working and what isn’t in your video marketing strategy? This basically means you’ll need to pay attention to the analytics.

We’ll take a small look below into how it might work for YouTube and Instagram.

On YouTube, for example, make sure to use TubeBuddy or VidIQ. Both of these can help analyze viewer retention, engagement, and traffic sources – all key metrics. Both of these tools enable you to see which videos have the most views and which ones are losing your audience – which should inform you on what to move forward with and what not to move forward with.

On Instagram, Instagram Insights is going to be your best friend. It can track metrics like impressions, reach, and engagement per post – these metrics are Instagram specific so you need to pay attention to them.

When you monitor these analytics, you can identify patterns, understand the types of content your audience prefers, and make data-driven decisions to optimize future videos.

Creating Platform-Specific Content

Each social media platform is its own pair of shoes – and not all shoes can fit you – meaning each platform has its own unique audience and format, and tailoring your content to fit the right one is vital.

We’ll take a quick look at how things work on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram Reels below.

TikTok videos should be short, engaging, and fit the platform’s vertical video format. TikTok’s audience is mainly Gen Z –  they expect quick, entertaining content on TikTok, so ensure your message is delivered within the first few seconds.

YouTube is a different story, however, long-form content like tutorials, product reviews, or vlogs perform better. YouTube’s algorithm favors watch time, so videos need to be in-depth and provide real value.

When it comes to Instagram Reels or Stories those are perfect for behind-the-scenes clips, brand announcements, or showcasing new products in an informal setting.

As before – apply common sense. Check out which platform works best for your brand and go for that platform – it’s pointless to market on TikTok if your audience isn’t there.

Collaborating With Influencers And Brand Ambassadors

You will most likely need more help to make your content work – and that’s where influencers and brand ambassadors come in.

By partnering with individuals who have built a strong following in your niche, you gain instant access to their audience. As before, when we discussed social media trends and platforms – you need to choose the right influencer in your niche.

Instead of going after influencers with massive followings, consider working with micro-influencers. These are influencers with smaller, highly engaged communities – the more specific the better. They typically have a stronger connection with their audience and can drive more meaningful engagement for your brand.

For example, if you’re in the fitness industry, partnering with a micro-influencer known for fitness tips can help position your product in front of a highly relevant audience – instead of picking a gaming influencer with more followers who have 0 interest in your brand.

Tools like Upfluence or AspireIQ allow you to search for influencers based on niche, engagement, and reach so you won’t be stumbling in the dark.

Collaborations can take the form of product reviews, giveaways, or brand shoutouts — we know we sound like a broken record by now but just ensure your partnership aligns with your brand goals.

Wrapping Up

In this guide we’ve gone over five key tips for a marketing strategy and video production. To be perfectly honest – all five points we’ve mentioned merit deep research by themselves.

Once you’ve dug into making your marketing strategy you will need to get much deeper into each of them – but we believe the effort will be worth its weight in gold.

The list, of course, doesn’t end here. If you feel you need more fields to develop – by all means go for it.